
This legal disclaimer applies to all information found within this web site related or not to the Dauphin Technologies DTR-1.

I, Toby Reed, <toby@eskimo.com>, am not responsible and shall not be held responsible for any material on this site that could damage your computer, yourself or anything else in the world. In other words, "if you're stupid enough to try it, go ahead, but don't try and rape my wallet".

Redistribution of material on this site is premissable when it was not created by me only. All material including text and graphics images created by me are copyrighted automatically upon creation. You must have my premission to redistribute them without for money. If it is for a non-profit thing, then feel free to copy away, but remember, no modifications and give proper credit. Linking to my site is not considered copying unless you are asking for credit card numbers before you can access the site.

Other than that, have fun with it...


© 1996 By Toby Reed / toby@eskimo.com